Road Trip Diary / Journal de route

Negatives produced with the assistance of Stan Denniston.

This work is based on a road trip through America taken in the summer of 1993 with fellow artist, Stan Denniston. The photographs are colour landscapes and self-portraits in tourist sites and locations, familiar and similar to amateur tourist and family photographs, and postcards. The stories, by contrast, present the specificity of an individual lesbian experience within or near these sites. In using the tourist plaque format I am appropriating the authority of the state (which uses these “markers” to direct our view and define what is currently and historically significant) to insert a personal, lesbian, and poetic narrative in conjunction with familiar and potentially mundane images. Both the images and stories present “snap shots” of experience that accumulate to tell the larger story.

Materials: Colour Chromira prints, etched zinc plaques, map and map table.
1993 – 1995